The importance of healthy fats

The popular misconception of, if you eat fat, you get fat is contributing to the obesity epidemic. The USDA is still even touting the benefits of the low-fat diet. Healthy fats are actually far more satiating than carbohydrates. Healthy fats can help curb sugar cravings, supply the body with nutrients and help you to better absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

There are some great, healthy, tasty fats that people should be consuming. There is definitely a place in the diet for coconut oils, pastured eggs, pastured butter, avocados, grass fed meats, etc.  Many popular brands are now selling coconut, avocado oils, etc.

People have been duped to believe that a low-fat diet is healthier, and over the past years have gravitated to the onslaught of low-fat foods. These foods, however, are usually highly processed, and because the fat has been reduced, the salt/sugar/chemicals have had to increase to make it more appetizing and give it appeal. Some junk foods have even been designed to be addictive, for example, Doritos brand chips.

To avoid unhealthy fats steer clear of:

  • Refined vegetable oils
  • Processed meats
  • Snack foods like chips, crackers and store bought baked goods

The take-away then is that a healthy balanced diet can prevent weight gain and chronic disease. What this means to you is to choose minimally processed, whole foods, whole grains, vegetables, whole fruits (not juices), nuts and healthy proteins such as fish, grass-fed meats and beans, and good fats and oils such as avocado, coconut and olive.