Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression at Wilmington Functional Medicine uses state-of-the-art technology to relieve neural compression often associated with lower back pain. The process has been proven to relieve pain by attempting to restore the natural disc space. This is done by stretching outer ligaments to help move herniated areas back into place and reversing high intradiscal pressures through the application of negative pressure.

Your spinal decompression treatment consists of 30 minutes of disc decompression. Following each therapy session, a cold pack is applied to help paravertebral muscles consolidate after treatment. An exercise and nutrition supplement regimen is prescribed to help stabilize the weakened areas.

An upper chest harness/shoulder support is used to help distribute the applied forces evenly. Once in place, you are slowly reclined to a horizontal position. Following the physician’s orders, the therapist localizes the pain, makes any adjustments, and directs the treatment to the proper area. Non-Surgical Decompression helps to mobilize the troubled disc segment without inducing further damage to the spine.

Spinal Decompression Can Help if you have

  • Herniated and bulging lumbar discs with or without complications
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • A relapse or failure following surgery, even with multiple levels of herniation
  • Facet Syndrome

What Results can you expect from Non-Surgical Decompression in Wilmington NC?

After only three weeks of treatment, clinical studies have shown outstanding results in relieving the debilitating pain that may be caused by bulging, herniated, degenerative, or ruptured discs, as well as sciatica, posterior facet syndrome, and many failed back surgery cases.

Pre-and post-treatment MRIs have shown greater than 50% reduction in the size and extent of herniations after four weeks of treatments of spinal decompression. In fact, during the initial clinical study more than 86% of patients report relief of back pain after disc decompression.

Call us today to schedule an appointment to see if this treatment will help you.